Debate about the actual economic situation, price crisis on electricity and gas market, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemics and other relevant topics.
Great evening with special guests H.E. Ayesha P. Rekhi, the Ambassador of Canada to the Czech Republic and General Petr Pavel. Thank you for joining us and spending your time with us in an exclusive venue with unforgettable atmosphere and excellent food and drinks.
8. 12. 2022 17:30
Augustine Hotel Prague, Letenská 12/33, Praha 1
8. 11. 2022 17:30
Martinický palác, Hradčanské náměstí 8/67, Praha 1
13. 10. 2022 08:00
Embassy of Canada, Ve Struhách 95/2, Praha 6
11. 10. 2022 18:00
Ristorante Il Giardino Toscano
1. 9. 2022 18:00
Beer Garden Karlín
21. 6. 2022 18:00
Agnes de Bohemia Boat
8. 6. 2022 13:00
Velvyslanectví Kanady, Ve Struhách 95/2, Praha 6
31. 5. 2022 17:00
Delta Building, Za Brumlovkou 5, Praha 4
3. 5. 2022 12:00
Žofín Garden, Slovanský ostrov, Praha 1
3. 5. 2022 09:00
Vaclav Havel Airport Prague, Fast Track Lounge, Departure Hall Terminal 2
26. 4. 2022 18:00
Hotel Leonardo Praha, Karoliny Světlé 323/27 , Praha 1
29. 3. 2022 13:00
Národní zemědělské muzeum, Kostelní 44, Praha 7
3. 3. 2022 18:00
Four Seasons Hotel Prague, Veleslavínova 2a, Praha 1
22. 2. 2022 08:00
Ernst & Young Office, Na Florenci 2116/15, Prague 1 - 8th floor
2. 2. 2022 17:30
Fat Cat Bar, Václavské nám. 45, Prague 1